Dear students,

welcome to the second term. I am looking forward to seeing you .  I hope you had a really nice winter holiday and are full of energy for the rest of the school year. I prepared some interesting sotries for you. The first one is ‘Little Women’. I believe you will enjoy reading it. ‘Little Women’ is the novel by American author Louisa May Alcott which was originally published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. Your task is to read the book and write short summary in your notebook. You will see some very useful activities at the end of the book (pages 74 to 80, Before Reading, While Reading & After Reading), which can help you to understand and retell the story. If you find some interesting words you can write them down and will discuss about them during the lesson.

Our lesson is on Thursday, 6th February. I think it is enough time to prepare for this very interesting story. If you have any questions you can ask me before the lesson.

Your teacher,

Amila Islamovic

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